The Project on Technical Assistance for Increased Capacity for Transposition and Capacity Building on F-Gases
About the Project
The aim of the “Technical Assistance for Increased Capacity for Transposition and Capacity Building on F-Gases” is to increase national and local capacities in Turkey and to support the country to
The project is co-financed by the Republic of Turkey and the European Union. It is run by a consortium of expert consultant companies led by GFA. The contracting authority is the Central Finance and Contracts Unit (CFCU), and the project is intended to support the Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation (MoEU) of Republic of Turkey as beneficiary institution. Duration of the project is 41 months, June 2017 – August 2020.
Background: F-gas legislation in Turkey and the EU
Fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases) are fluorinated chemical substances (hydrofluorocarbons – HFCs, perfluorocarbons – PFCs and sulphur hexafluoride – SF6), which have a high global warming potential (GWP) and thus contribute significantly to climate change. Production and consumption of F-gases, specifically HFCs, is growing fast because they are widely used as substitutes for ozone depleting substances (ODS), which are currently being phased-out under the Montreal Protocol.
The main areas where F-gases are applied are refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump (RAC&HP) sector (refrigerants), foam sector (foam blowing agents), fire protection sector (fire extinguishing agents), aerosol sector (aerosol propellants), solvent sector (F-gas solvents) and electrical switchgear sector (SF6 used as insulating gas).
Recognising the threat of F-gases, specifically HFCs, to global climate, the international community decided in 2016 in Kigali (Rwanda) on a Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol. This amendment introduced HFCs as controlled substances under the Montreal Protocol and established HFC phase-down schedules (different for developed and developing countries) as well as import/export licensing and reporting requirements.
Even before the Kigali Amendment was decided upon, the EU introduced some of those measures in 2006 through Regulation (EC) No 842/2006 and later applied a much more extended F-gas legislation through Regulation (EU) 517/2014 to reach significant reductions of F-gas emissions.
Turkey decided to implement controls on F-gases through a national F-gas Regulation that is based on the EU Reg. (EC) 842/2006 and entered into force at the beginning of 2018. Turkey intends to revise its F-gas legislation in the next couple of years to take into account provisions contained in Regulation (EU)517/2014.The findings of the Project “Technical Assistance for Increased Capacity for Transposition and Capacity Building on F-Gases” will assist Turkey in that effort.
This project complies with the Visibility Guidelines for European Commission Projects in Turkey.
Project Activities
The project included Switchgear, Solvent, Fire Protection and Air Conditioning and Refrigeration sectors. Sectors participated in the activities actively carried out within the framework of the project.Within the context of the project, below listed 9 activity will be realized.
Activity 1 - Legislative Gap Analysis
Activty 2 - Preparatory Activities
Activity 3 - Update the National Training anc Certification Programme
Activity 4 - Raise Awareness of Environmentally Friendly Alternatives to F-Gases
Activity 5 - Reduction of F-Gas Emissions by Implementing a National Policy of Periodic Leak Checks on Systems and Equipment Containing F-Gases
Activity 6 - Preparation of National F-Gas Emissions Inventory in line with 2006 IPCC Guidelines from National GHG Inventories and Regulation EU No. 525/2013
Activity 7 - Promote the Phase out and Proper Waste Treatment/Recovery of F-Gases and ODS from Relevant Equipment
Activity 8 - Develop a Fully Fledged Integrared F-Gas Database System and Harmonized Electronic Reporting System
Activity 9 - Preparation of the Proposed Legislation for the Transposition of the F-Gas Regulation EU No. 517/2014 into Turkish Legislation
Within the scope of the project, 5 indutrial guidelines were prepared. Here, you can reach the guidelines.